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  21.) General Tips

   1. The Replace-Function
   On good thing about dBTools is, that you can replace Fields with other
   Fields. Al you need is to place the Character "@" before your Fieldname
   Examples (Replace-Menu):

    //-- Now will be replaced the Field Number by Number2 .--//
    Input1: [ Replace Fields: "NUMBER             "]
    Input2: [ New Value     : "@NUMBER2           "]

    //-- Now will be replaced the Field Number from DEMO1.DBF
         by the Field Number from DEMO2.DBF --//
    Input1: [ Replace Fields: "NUMBER             "]
    Input2: [ New Value     : "@DEMO2->NUMBER2    "]

    //-- Now will be replaced the Field Number with the
         Clipper/dBase Function "SUBSTR" --//
    Input1: [ Replace Fields: "NUMBER                "]
    Input2: [ New Value     : "@SUBSTR(NUMBER,10,20) "]

   Replacing multiple Fields:
     - You can replace multiple Fields with "+" or "," too.
           Input1: [ Replace Fields: "NUMBER+NUMBER2+NUMBER3      "]
           Input2: [ New Value     : "22.11                       "]

   (2). The "Shift+F2" Function
    If you want to input (use) combined Fields (to make a Index) or combined
    Conditions (While, For etc..), just press Shift+F2 again and again
    and choose the Fields fpr your Syntax-Input. dBTools will automaticly
    formating you Syntax to the right Clipper/dBase Syntax.

   //-- You wnat to create a Index on NUMBER (N) and PROJECT (C).
        Please press Shift+F2 and choose Number and press Shift+F2 again
        and choose now the Field Project: --//

     Result: [ Fields.. (Sh+F2): "str(NUMBER)+PROJECT            "]

   //-- You want to make a Filter for NUMBER=2 and PROJECT="HALLO".
        Please press Shift+F2 and choose Number and press Shift+F2 again
        and choose now the Field Project: --//

     Result: [ Fields.. (Sh+F2): "NUMBER=  .and. trim(PROJECT)=  "]

   (3). The Calculator
     With the Calculator you can combine Fields and Numbers:
     Example: [Calculate: "Number*100/2            "]
          or: [Calculate: "(Number+Number2)*100/2  "]

   (3). View-Style /Screen-Files
     If you have set at Utilties ->Settings or by pressing Alt+V,
     "View-Style" to ON, dBTools will creating automaticly to your opened
     Data-File a Screen-File with the Extension ".scr"!
     If "Autosave" is ON, all your Screen-Files will be saved, also when
     you quit dBTools, so that you can use another Time again.

     With "ViewStyle" you can desgin your Browse-Window by yourself:

      - At the Menu Utilties ->Goodies <"Show Columns"> you can set
        which Fields and what kind of Column-Width you want to see at your
      - With Alt+(+) or Alt+(-) you cann add new Felds or remove them just
        from the Screen or from the Screen-File.
      - With Alt+Space you can set the current Column-Width.


  For any Suggetions, Questions, new Ideas, or Bug-Reports you can
  contact me under:

      Ricky Holles
      Gerechtigkeitsgasse 4
      8002 Z.rich /Schweiz

      CompuServe No.: 100024.2572
      Phone: (00411) 344'22'11
      Fax  : (00411) 341'22'05

  Sincerely, Ricky Holles

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson